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Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting


From AP:

A shooting at a Connecticut elementary school Friday left 27 people dead, including 18 children, an official said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way. Another official, speaking on condition of anonymity for the same reason, said the gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown was killed and apparently had two guns.
This is heartbreaking.

From the Washington Times:

Connecticut State Police are responding to a situation in Newton, Connecticut Sandy Hooks Elementary Schoo; where there is approximately 626 students school ages K-4 and 46 faculty members. Local police and the school immediately put the building on lock down, taking measure to ensure the safety of students and staff.
As a mom, I sent my little ones to school hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times. Mornings were routine. Friday mornings always held a bit more excitement. The weekend approached. Counting down the days before Christmas was an especially exciting ritual, so much joy and anticipation. It's as vivid to me as if it were yesterday.

There was never a day I didn't hug and kiss my children before they walked out the door. There was never a day I didn't tell them I loved them as I sent them off to school.

It is unbearable to imagine the thought of them going to school and never returning. It breaks my heart.

It's being reported that an entire kindergarten class remains unaccounted for - KINDERGARTEN.

FOX News confirms that the gunman was 24-year-old Ryan Lanza of Hoboken, N.J. He had ties to the school.

My God.

What an evil act! This is what evil looks like, gunning down innocents.

My prayers are with the families and friends of the murdered adults.

My prayers are with the parents, grandparents, siblings, family members, and friends of the murdered little ones.


UPDATE: Source: 29 dead, including 22 children in Newtown shooting

UPDATE: 20 children and six adults are dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The shooter killed himself. Another adult is dead at a separate crime scene in Newtown, Connecticut.

The shooter is being identified as ADAM Lanza. His brother, Ryan, is being held for questioning.