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Friday, October 26, 2012

Biden: $500 Trillion Tax Cut (Video)

Joe Biden did it again.

It happened in Oshkosh on Friday, his fifth visit to Wisconsin this election cycle.

Biden lost control and sounded like an idiot, spewing "stuff" or "malarkey" or whatever you want to call what comes out of Biden's mouth.

From WLUK:

"You can't erase what you've already done, they voted to extend tax cuts to the very wealthy, giving a 500 trillion tax cut to 120,000 families," Biden said.

That would amount to much more than the national debt which currently stands at $16 trillion.
Here's video:

Do you believe this guy?

It's hilarious, but it's not.

Joe "500 trillion tax cut to 120,000 families" Biden is the vice president of the United States.

Scary. He's out of touch... WITH REALITY.