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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jay Carney: WH Tours and Obama's Golfing (Video)

Jay Carney doesn't look like he's having much fun lately, certainly not as much as his boss. Defending the shutdown of White House tours left Carney squirming.

From FOX News:

President Obama said Tuesday that the decision was between cutting Secret Service agents or canceling the tours after sequestration took effect March 1.

ABC News’ Jonathan Karl pressed Carney yesterday, asking “how much does it cost for (the president) to go and play golf?” Carney then accused Karl of “trivializing” the issue, and Karl responded that “this is about choices” for the Obama administration about what gets cut.
Karl wasn't trivializing the issue.

He was asking a legitimate question.

Here's video:

It's insane to blame Republicans for shutting down the White House tours. Insane.

Carney has the audacity to blame the Tea Party! Insane.