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Friday, March 22, 2013

Biden's Hotel Bill

The Obama administration is disgraceful on so many levels.

The revelation that Joe Biden spent over one million dollars of the people's money on his hotel bills during a trip to London and a one-night stay in Paris.

From the Weekly Standard:

As it turns out, Vice President Joe Biden's London stay in February was not the most expensive part of his trip. A government document released on February 14, 2013 shows that the contract for the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand came in at $585,000.50.

There's more, from the Weekly Standard:

Vice President Biden and his entourage spent a little time in London in early February during his first foreign trip of the second term of the Obama administration. A document released today revealed that the cost of lodging in London alone was close to half a million dollars. The contract was awarded on January 30, 2013 to the Hyatt Regency London for a total of $459,388.65.
This is utterly unacceptable. There is absolutely no justification for this sort of spending.

I am royally ticked off, not only at Obama and his fellow Leftists but also at my fellow Americans who voted to reelect this malevolent ruler.

Everything could be so different right now if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had been elected.

This all sucks. ALMOST $600,000 FOR BIDEN'S ONE-NIGHT STAY IN PARIS!!! And that's only the hotel bill. It doesn't include the cost of flying him around.

Hey, Leftists! See the disconnect here???

No??? Didn't think so.

The Obama administration is releasing prisoners, furloughing employees, shutting down the White House tours, and now, closing air control towers.

But there is no shortage of taxpayer funds to send Biden and his entourage to live high in Europe.

That is such BS.

It's shocking that Obama has the audacity to make the "little people" suffer because of his sequester while he's pissing away so much of OUR money.

Budget cuts... GIVE ME A BREAK! One million freaking dollars for Biden's hotel!

We know what Obama and his flunkies are doing. They're hurting us and they don't care at all. They're playing political games, making us suffer while they're living the high life.

What lying sacks of really bad stuff!