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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis

"Habemus Papam!"

We have a Pope!

On March 13, 2013 the College of Cardinals elected Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has taken the name of Pope Francis, as our next Holy Father.

Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki and Auxiliary Bishop Donald J. Hying both express great joy in the announcement:

“With joy in our hearts and gratitude to God, we give thanks for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, "said Archbishop Listecki. "May the Holy Spirit guide him in his ministry to the Universal Church as the Spirit guided the College of Cardinals in his election as pope. As the Archbishop of Milwaukee, I pledge to Pope Francis, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, my love and support, along with the prayers of the entire Church of southeastern Wisconsin.”

"With great hope and joy, we thank Almighty God for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he begins his Petrine ministry," said Bishop Hying. "We pledge our prayers and support to him, as he continues the challenging but fruitful task of shepherding the universal Church. Amidst the challenges of rising secularity, materialism, violence and poverty, the voice, example and leadership of Pope Francis will continue to call the world to the light of Christ, the One who offers everyone peace and salvation."

"What an exciting time for us, as we join fellow believers around the world in proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord with fresh enthusiasm, in union with our new Holy Father."
As a Catholic, I don't like a lot of what's being said in the media about Pope Francis and the Catholic Church. I don't like the public dissection of the Holy Father. I don't like hearing non-Catholics pass judgment on his selection.

"He's 76. That's bad!"

"He's from Latin America. That's good!"

"He's anti-abortion. That's VERY bad!"

Blah, blah, blah.

Will the media rip him to shreds like they did to Pope Benedict, the "Nazi pope" and "God's Rottweiler"?

The anti-Catholic contingent will no doubt find a way. He's the enemy, unless he declares abortion to be a choice. He's the enemy, unless he declares that women should be priests. He's the enemy, unless he declares his support for gay marriage.

Forget the fact that he's a man of great faith and conviction and humility. His Latin American connection will probably score him some points, but not for long.

He does need our prayers.

I heard Archbishop Jerome Listecki give some interesting perspective on the weight of being chosen as pope. He said it's not an election, it's a "sentence." The pope sits in the throne of the Cross of Jesus. It's not a throne of glory. It's not an easy role to assume.

Personally, I am thrilled with the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as our new pope.

I love the name he selected.

In choosing to call himself Francis, the new pope was associating himself with the much-loved Italian saint from Assisi associated with peace, poverty and simplicity. St. Francis was born to a wealthy family but later renounced his wealth and founded the Franciscan order of friars; he wandered about the countryside preaching to the people in very simple language.

He was so famed for his sanctity that he was canonized just two years after his death in 1226.

St. Francis Xavier is another important namesake. One of the 16th century founders of the Jesuit order, Francis Xavier was a legendary missionary who spread the faith as far as India and Japan - giving the new pope's name selection possibly further symbolic resonance in an age when the church is struggling to maintain its numbers.
I hope there will be a resurgence of faith among Latin American Catholics in the U.S.

I hope they will reconsider their support for officials aligned with the culture of death.


Video from FOX 6 News, of Archbishop Listecki's reaction to the election of Pope Francis.

Audio of Archbishop Listecki discussing Pope Francis with Jerry Bott, sitting in for Mark Belling. The interview begins at 4:20.