It's like the Nobel Peace Prize, a farce.
Nonetheless, it has been a yearly ritual since 1927, when Charles Lindbergh was declared TIME's Man of the Year.
The Person of the Year, formerly the Man of the Year, is not necessarily supposed to be an honor.
It's more of a recognition.
TIME's selection criteria:
TIME's Person of the Year is bestowed by the editors on the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year.TIME is encouraging readers to participate in its Person of the Year poll.
Of course, Internet polls have no controls whatsoever. They are worthless.
Anyway, TIME's editors wants the public to be part of the Person of the Year lunacy.
As always, TIME's editors will choose the Person of the Year, but that doesn't mean readers shouldn't have their say. Cast your vote for the person you think most influenced the news this year for better or worse. Voting closes at 11:59 PM on December 12th and the winner will be announced on December 14.Sandra Fluke is among the candidates.
From Ben Shapiro, Breitbart's Big Journalism:
Just when you think Time magazine can’t make any more of a mockery of itself, they nominate Sandra Fluke, contraception advocate extraordinaire, as a candidate in their Person of the Year 2012 poll:

Fluke, of course, is the condom rights advocate turned Georgetown Law School martyr who testified before Congress about the hardships encountered by young female law school students who couldn’t afford to pay for their own birth control pills.As Shapiro notes, 2012 was the year of the dependent American voter.
...Leave it to Time to make her its Person of the Year. Of course, in the year of the dependent American voter, they might be right.
Dependency has gripped the U.S. and countries around the world.
It's a massive step backward for civilization.
It's un-American.
Our nation wasn't founded on dependence. The American Revolution wasn't fought to give an all-powerful government authority to control individuals.
This used to be the Land of the Free.
Now it's the Land of the "Free" Stuff, except it's not really free.
Chumps, like me, are paying for the dependents.
The dependents and their advocates succeeded in dooming our country to four more years of economic misery, bigger government, and the erosion of our freedoms by electing Obama.
Without question, this woman should be TIME's Person of the Year.

She's the face of dependence, the end of the America Dream, trading freedom for a free phone.
The woman in this video, was protesting outside a Mitt Romney rally in Bedford, Ohio, near Cleveland, saying minorities in Cleveland need to vote for Obama because he gives them phones.
They did vote for Obama. They voted to get free stuff, rather than be free.
INTERVIEWER: You've got an Obama phone?Truly sad.
WOMAN: Yes, everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone. Keep Obama in president, you know. He gave us a phone...
INTERVIEWER: He gave you a phone? How did he give you a phone?
WOMAN: You sign up if you on food stamps, you on Social Security, you got low income, you disability...
INTERVIEWER: I have a question. OK, what's wrong with Romney again?
WOMAN: Romney-- He sucks! Bad!
It's the "Obama stash" mentality.
This is Obama's America.
He, OBAMA, is the victimizer. Obama and his cohorts are creating a nation of victims.
Frankly, I don't like it. Every American should be troubled by this dependency.
We're better than this.
This woman shouldn't be satisfied with a phone and Obama's other "perks" of dependency.
We need more than phones. We need jobs and a robust economy, not a massive centralized government "caring" for the people.
The problem: "Obama Phone Woman" won in 2012.
The dependent is the Person of the Year. The dependent is the person "who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year."
The dependent most affected the news and our lives - for ill.