That's the case with Stephen and Nancy Einhorn. The couple who paid for the voter fraud billboards in Wisconsin had a contract with Clear Channel Outdoor, permitting them to remain anonymous.
The Leftists had a hissy fit over the innocuous billboards. They claimed they were racist, placed in minority neighborhoods, meant to cause fear and suppress the vote.
How does a factual message about the law, "voter fraud is a felony," suppress the vote?
It doesn't. There was nothing sinister about the billboards.
The Left's witch hunt resulted in exposing the Einhorns.
Bice and the Journal Sentinel determined the revelation newsworthy. So, Bice writes about the Einhorns and provides information about their family, more than just the family name.
What's the purpose, other than to give the Leftists another target for harassment?
From Bice's exposé:
Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, issued a statement Monday raising several questions for the Einhorns.This is crap.
"Perhaps their Chicago public relations firm could answer why the Einhorns only felt it was necessary to target legal voters in minority communities, and why they didn’t feel the need to do this 'public service' throughout communities across Wisconsin where a majority of the residents are white," Ross asked in his email. "Or put their name on it, rather than hiding behind the cowardly veil of anonymity."
The Einhorns did not only feel it was "necessary to target legal voters in minority communities." That's completely distorting the message.
I was aware of a billboard in a Wisconsin community where the overwhelming majority of residents are white.
The billboard was on Port Washington Road in Ozaukee County, just north of Highway C.
It was NOT even close to being in a Milwaukee inner city minority neighborhood. This billboard was not in an African-American or Hispanic area.
This campaign against the billboards and the Einhorns is dishonest, but that doesn't stop Bice from picking up the Left's deceptive narrative. It doesn't stop him from propping it up, revealing that the Einhorns made donations to Republican politicians, including Scott Walker. (GASP!)
Clear Channel Outdoor buckled under pressure from the very unreasonable Left. I guess Clear Channel Outdoor was afraid to take on the race card.
I commend the Einhorns for caring about the integrity of our elections. They deserve our support and gratitude.
Voter fraud should concern everyone, regardless of one's skin color or political affiliation.
Clean, fair elections should be a goal for all. Voter fraud disenfranchises every legal voter. It's a crime.
The Einhorns should not have been treated this way. What crime did they commit? Exercising free speech and simply stating the LAW, sending a message meant to uphold our electoral process.
The fact that they were bullied into taking down the billboards by the hysterical Left is a disgrace. The fact that Clear Channel Outdoor betrayed them is inexcusable.