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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Big Bird and Tom Barrett

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is a failure as a leader.

Under his watch, the city has declined and decayed.

And what is Barrett's vision for turning things around in Milwaukee?

A $100 million trolley that goes in a 2-mile loop.


He's an absentee mayor. He only seems to surface when he runs for governor. One, twice, three times a loser.

He will also surface to campaign for fellow Leftists.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett poked a litlte fun at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney Saturday ahead of Paul Ryan's appearance at a GOP fundraiser at the Pfister Hotel.

Barrett picked up on the Democratic Party theme that Romney wants to defund Big Bird, the popular Sesame Street character.

"Mitt Romney has decided he's going to crack down on Sesame Street," Barrett said while appearing at a news conference on Cathedral Square.

As he spoke, Barrett stood next to someone dressed in a Big Bird suit.

"Why in God's name would you want to go after Sesame Street when the people in this country want him to go after Wall Street," Barrett added.
You know Obama's debate performance was disastrous and the Democrats are freaking out about it if all they can talk about is Big Bird.

The Democrats and the liberal media won't let go of it. It's ridiculous.

The only thing more ridiculous is a stunt like Barrett appearing with a guy in a Big Bird suit.

Gee, what would happen to Sesame Street if our tax dollars were no longer used to support it?

It would disappear! The popular program, on the air for more than 40 years, would collapse. Oh, the humanity!

The reality is the Muppets have excelled in the private sector. All those very profitable Muppet movies and The Muppet Show weren't funded by the taxpayers. Are we supposed to believe that Sesame Street would be history if there were cuts in its government funding?

The Leftists' reaction to the Big Bird thing, latching on to Romney's comment, makes them look like utter fools.

The fact is the local media should be pressing Barrett about his incompetence as mayor of Milwaukee, holding him accountable on important issues like poverty and education and crime and taxes, not serving as a megaphone for his pro-Obama, pro-Democrat campaign stunts.

Here's video, from TMJ4:

Really lame.

Note to Tom Barrett and those of his ilk: Big Bird Richer Than Mitt Romney.
Big Bird makes more money than Mitt Romney, but is still on the government dole. ...At a campaign rally today, Obama The Bald-Faced Liar said of Romney, "He's going to get rid of regulations on Wall Street, but he'll crack down on Sesame Street." (Romney is not going "to get rid of" Wall Street regulations.) ...[H]ere's the price tag per the "Daily Mail":
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting receives about $450million from Congress each year. About $280million goes to PBS and the local stations. Federal funding makes up about 12 per cent of the PBS budget.
Now comes the real numbers -- the numbers the media will never reveal because they’re absolutely infuriating. According to Senator Jim DeMint:
Shows like Sesame Street are multi-million dollar enterprises capable of thriving in the private market. According to the 990 tax form all nonprofits are required to file, Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513 -- nearly a million dollars -- in compensation in 2008. And, from 2003 to 2006, "Sesame Street" made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales.
Barrett and his comrades really should give up on the Big Bird strategy. Big Bird is a one-percenter. Barrett should be demonizing Big Bird as an evil, rich guy/bird, not backing him.