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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obama, Benghazi, and Big Bird

The Obama administration lied for weeks about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.

There was an orchestrated cover-up to deceive the American people.

Obama, rather than running from responsibility for the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, should be apologizing first and foremost to their families and then to us.

We know Obama has no problem apologizing and bowing to hostile foreign leaders and Islamists, yet he won't apologize for his failures as the president.

Obama lacks integrity. He also appears to lack a conscience. He didn't hesitate to lie about the deaths of Americans and a terrorist attack on the United States on the anniversary of 9/11. Obama cared about covering his ass.


He's a bad president and, too often, a bad person.

I wonder if Big Bird approves of Obama mocking Special Olympics athletes.