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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cardinal Dolan: HHS Mandate - Catholics Won't Give In

At his news conference on Wednesday, Obama insisted the American people gave him a mandate to pursue his agenda.

Is Obama really that delusional?

Does his failure to acknowledge that half the country voted for Mitt Romney to be the president, making the mandate claim absurd, point to his arrogance?

Whatever, Obama's second term isn't going to be smooth sailing. He needs to admit that reality.

The divisiveness he campaigned on is going to come back to bite him.

His oppression of Catholics isn't going to be accepted by Church leaders.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan realizes Catholics must fight Obama's war on the Church and religious liberty in general.

From Dr. Susan Berry, Breitbart's Big Government:

Dolan asserted that the Church will not comply with the mandate that requires most employers, even those affiliated with religious organizations, to provide free contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients through health insurance plans.

“The only thing we’re certainly not prepared to do is give in,” Dolan said at a news conference. “Not violate our consciences, and not obey what we consider to be something immoral. That we’re committed on.”

Dozens of Catholic dioceses and other Catholic organizations have filed lawsuits in federal courts over the mandate, which is included in ObamaCare.

Though Cardinal Dolan admitted the bishops waited until after Election Day to see if the results of the election could change the health care requirements, he said, “now I think the bishops have taken a deep breath and said, we better get back to work and decide just what we are going to do.”

Dolan stated that though the Church is still willing to work with the administration, “I would say no door is closed except for the door to capitulation.”
I am so thankful for leaders like Cardinal Dolan.

He's not surrendering to Obama. He won't accept his assault on our fundamental freedom to exercise our religion. He won't give in.