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Friday, November 9, 2012

Chris Matthews Boycott

Chris Matthews' comment about being "so glad" Hurricane Sandy hit the week before the presidential election was shockingly insensitive. Even for Matthews, someone who constantly says terribly unfair and inappropriate things, this was way over the line. Dozens were killed and millions suffered as a result of the storm, but it helped elect Obama for a second term - a good thing in Matthews' warped world.

Here's video:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me just close my thoughts tonight. It takes a half a second. I am so proud of the country, to reelect this president and overcoming, not because of the partisanship or any of the, even the policies. Just the fact, here's an African guy, African-American guy from an unusual background, part immigrant background, part African-American background, with all this assault on him from day one, from Mitch McConnell, from the clowns out there that aren't elected and never will be to anything. And the way he took it, as somebody said it, with coolness and charm and dignity and just took it and took it and kept moving forward and doing his job.... Good work for him. A good day for America. I'm so glad we had that storm last week, 'cause I think the storm was one of those things, no, politically I should say, not in terms of hurting people. The storm brought in possibilities for good politics.

Matthews has apologized.


Why should we accept his apology?

Where's the boycott on Matthews?

Rush Limbaugh made inappropriate remarks about Sandra Fluke. He apologized. That wasn't good enough for the Leftists. The first shot had been fired and nothing was going to stop the Democrats' "War on Women" strategy.

They waged a war on Limbaugh, with an all-out assault to get him off the air by pressuring his sponsors to dump him.

Obama placed a high profile phone call to Fluke. He was so concerned about her. (Of course, he sends the families of our war dead form letters.)

Why is Matthews getting off the hook so easily? Why aren't his sponsors being pressured to drop him? Why hasn't MSNBC fired him for his truly despicable statements?

Apparently, some apologies are accepted and some apologies will never be accepted.

If you're a Leftist, you'll be forgiven. If you're a conservative, you're unforgivable.