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Monday, November 12, 2012

Petraeus Affair

NOW we're talking about Benghazi, sort of.

Forget about Obama's lies about the alleged protest at the consulate and the video that sparked it. What we have is a sex scandal, a dream come true for the media - and Obama.

What a perfect distraction! Rather than focus on the abject failure to protect Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans and the ensuing disgraceful cover-up by Obama and his team, we get to focus on Paula Broadwell and the various sordid details of her affair with former CIA Director General David Petraeus.

New details in Petraeus scandal: Woman who received threatening emails revealed

Soccer Mom or Skankzilla: Which is the Real Paula Broadwell?

Paula Broadwell, David Petraeus' Alleged Mistress, Embedded With Him for 1 Year in Afghanistan
Yes, Broadwell was "embedded" with Petraeus.

Good grief.

I don't want focus to shift to Broadwell and all the tabloid trash reporting.

I want to know why four Americans were killed during a 9/11 anniversary TERRORIST attack. I want to know why Obama and his administration misled the American people for weeks.

I suspect the Obama and his allies are thrilled that Petraeus is an adulterer.

Sick, the entire mess.


Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions