Host Christoph Waltz appeared in Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained. In SNL's offering, he played the part of DJesus, as in Jesus Christ, Son of God, going on a murderous, vengeful rampage.
Here's video.
TRAILER NARRATOR: This summer, if you liked Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained, then get ready for the ultimate historical revenge fantasy - DJesus Uncrossed.What are critics saying?
He's risen from the dead, and he's preaching anything but forgiveness.
He may be wearing sandals, but he can still kick ass.

The trailer ends with this warning from DJesus:

DJESUS: No more Mr. Nice Jesus.That's followed by a gunshot and a splattering of blood across the screen.
Is this video enough to cause Christians to erupt in violent protests and storm Rockefeller Center and Hollywood studios?
According to Obama and his legions, a video criticizing Islam caused worldwide protests. The Obama administration even insisted the video prompted the uprising in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of our ambassador and three other Americans.
So will this blasphemous SNL video get a similar reaction?
Will our government put the makers of the video in jail?
Of course not.
Laugh. Just laugh.