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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Jimmy Fallon: Mister Romney's Neighborhood

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon continues to pummel Mitt Romney.

The latest Obama campaign ad from Fallon: "Mister Romney's Neighborhood."

Here's video:

Mitt Romney recently said he wants to cut funding for PBS, which is odd, considering he hosts his own children's show on the network.

MITT ROMNEY (Jimmy Fallon): [After getting his shoes shined by 'Manuel,' he gives him some cash] Hello, neighborhood. Do you see this? It's called a wallet. Inside of a wallet, well, that's where money goes. Now, do you know what money is? I'm guessing no, because you're watching Public Television, therefore you don't have cable, therefore you're probably poor.

Money is sort of like paper that you can use to buy things that you want, like toys or yachts. Now you may be wondering, 'Where does money come from?' Well, it comes from a magical place called 'our parents.'


ROMNEY (Fallon): Oh, hey, look! It's the trolley. It's on the way to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. That's where me and Paul Ryan get most of our facts from. Let's hop aboard, shall we? I think today I'll bring my trusty friend, Mr. Dog. Hi, Mr. Dog. Want to go for a trip? You do? Great... Off we go.


ROMNEY (Fallon): The Neighborhood of Make-Believe - a land full of things that don't exist in the real world. Look, there's a talking cat in a treehouse. Hey, look over there. It's my tax returns.


ROMNEY (Fallon): Now kids, don't be alarmed. This puppet feline isn't real. Look. [Turning the set to expose the puppeteer] This is Bill. He's a union worker. You pay him with your tax dollars so that he can crouch down with a sock on his hand and make silly voices. [Turning to Bill] You disgust me.

ROMNEY (Fallon): Well, that's all the time we have today on Mister Romney's Neighborhood. But before I go, remember: There's one person in the world that's like you and that's you. People can like you exactly the way you are. But if they don't, then just pretend to be the exact opposite of what you are and then maybe they'll like you.