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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MPD - Death Threats

Some Milwaukee citizens have declared war on the Milwaukee Police Department.


From TMJ4:

Threats against Milwaukee police officers have the Milwaukee Police Department making changes.

It involves the controversial case of a man, Derek Williams, who died in police custody last year.

Sources close to the department say Milwaukee's Police Department banned one-man squads for the officers' protection.

This comes as parts of the Milwaukee community are reaching a breaking point with the police department. Some groups have called for Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn's resignation, others are going beyond that.

"I asked a guy the other day, he said... 'If we take one of them, they're gonna know what we're talking about,'" described community activist Tory Lowe.

Death threats have reportedly pushed Milwaukee's Police Department to assign two officers to every squad car.

"Occupy the Hood" organizer Khalil Coleman understands the frustration. He worries things may escalate if something isn't done soon.

"We hope that we can keep a peaceful city, but in order for us to do that, we have to begin to address these critical issues," says Coleman.

...A spokeswoman for Milwaukee's Police Department says that the department cannot and will not discuss deployment strategies.

Death threats. Disgusting.

I hope liberal media outlets, like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, are proud of their role in inciting this insanity.

The Journal Sentinel has been relentless in slamming the Milwaukee Police Department and Police Chief Ed Flynn.

Its witch hunt now appears to be resulting in a truly dangerous situation for Milwaukee police officers.

Justice for Derek Williams is not achieved by threatening the lives of police officers.

Why doesn't Tom Barrett meet with these "community leaders"? Now is the time for leadership.

I supposed he's just been too busy campaigning against Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan with Big Bird.