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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Twitter: Debate Reaction

Greg Gutfeld:
Greg Gutfeld:
Class warfare grows the economy the way a fish grows a bicycle.
Greg Gutfeld:
Obama connects like a greenpeace recruiter.
Greg Gutfeld:
Libya. unemployment. economy. thank god we discuss birth control. Next up, sequential hermaphroditism.
Greg Gutfeld:
Obama is trying to look like the "Hope" poster.
Greg Gutfeld:
The only good Big Bird is one that feeds undocumented workers. Does that make me a liberal?
Bill Schulz:
I like the angry pacing w/ the mic in their hand after they talk. #DefDebateJam
Bill Schulz:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Obama. I love my mom, as well. I should probably call and tell her that... But, that pizza aint gonna order itself!
Bill Schulz:
Obama's doing the Clinton thing. I likes. Eye contact. Empathy. Just don't flirt with him, buddy.
Albert Brooks:
Obama's got Biden pills.
Albert Brooks:
The people asking the questions are scaring the hell out of me.
Albert Brooks:
Obama went to a bad barber.
Albert Brooks:
Osama Bin Laden is DEAD??? When??
Donald Trump:
Obama keeps saying that he will do something--- but why hasn't he done it? It's all talk.
Donald Trump:
Obama is looking rhetorical and weak. @MittRomney is looking strong and sharp.
Ann Coulter:
Hillary just took full responsibility for Obamas debate performance tonight.
Ann Coulter:
Obama looks like he just swallowed a bad oyster.
Ann Coulter:
Romney: Our party has been focused on big business for too long. I'm focused on small business. HALLELUJAH!
Ann Coulter:
Is it me, or does Obama seem to be begging not to get fired?
Ann Coulter:
Obama pledges to hire OJ to help look for the real killers in Libya.
Ann Coulter:
Obama busy taking assault weapons out of the hands of people guarding embassies.
Chuck Todd:
Well, that question must have made the president smile; this is an undecided voter?
Stephen Hayes:
Another "undecided" voter asks about Romney/Bush. Seriously? Is this teeing up tough questions for POTUS in the second half of the debate?
Michelle Malkin:
Hollywood starlets are all cheering Obama's #townhalldebate vagina monologue.
Michelle Malkin:
"Uncommitted" voter Michael Jones asks why he should vote for Obama again like he did in 2008. #townhalldebate
Dane Cook:
Moderator Candy Crowley looks like she’s waiting to deal blackjack. #debate
Gay Patriot:
HAHAHA. Romney knows more about Obama's investments than the most Brilliant President EVAH! HAHAHA.
Andy Levy:
"You do not turn national security into a political issue, especially when I killed bin Laden"
Jay Weber:
He wants credit for greeting caskets that wouldn't have been filled if he'd done his job? Wow.
David Burge:
"F***, I can't believe we endorsed this guy" - Hugo Chavez and Honey Boo Boo
Mark Levin:
Romney was solid again. Obama's aggressiveness won't change a thing. He cannot run from his record, which Romney pounded consistently.