The original title of an article about Wednesday's Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll was "Romney steals narrow lead from Obama as election nears."
That was altered to read "Romney takes slim lead as election nears."
The criminal connotation of Romney's position in the poll was removed. It certainly was softened.
Even in the articles using the softer language, the URL reveals the original title.

(Click on the image to enlarge and read the URL to see the original language.)
Words matter. They have meaning. Romney "stealing" the lead from Obama reveals a bias.
Of course, Reuters, the outlet that refused to call a terrorist attack a terrorist attack, has a defined agenda.
It's well documented in its history of doctoring photos to suit its story angle and publishing photos that editorialize.
This makes the publishing of the story detailing that the White House was told the truth of what happened in Benghazi in close to real time all the more stunning.