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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tammy Baldwin: Medicare and ObamaCare

Tammy Baldwin is an extremist. She supports the government takeover of health care. She cannot be trusted to protect Wisconsin's seniors.

Tommy Thompson won't break his promises.

"Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin is no protector of seniors," said Thompson. "My opponent's only plan for Medicare is to gut $716 billion from it, put a board of 15 unelected bureaucrats in charge of rationing care, and sit back and watch as it goes insolvent. As if that wasn't enough, she has openly opposed Medicare Part D, a plan that 90 percent of seniors support. Wisconsin seniors know they can trust me to preserve their health care and keep costs low because I have a long record of fighting for them, both as Governor and as Health and Human Services Secretary.

"Now, I have a plan to fight for them again. I will preserve Medicare for seniors today and ensure its lasting benefits for future seniors by reforming the broken system, making it more cost effective and giving them the power of choice in making their own health care decisions."


(Narrator): Tammy Baldwin is lying about Tommy Thompson. The truth is, Baldwin voted to gut Medicare for seniors

(Woman 1): Tammy Baldwin has no business taking $716 billion out of Medicare.

(Narrator): Baldwin even voted against providing prescription drug benefits to seniors. That plan's architect? Tommy Thompson.

(Woman 2): Seniors can trust Tommy Thompson

(Thompson): I'm Tommy Thompson and I approve this message, because I'll never break our promise to America's seniors