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Monday, October 29, 2012

Ron Johnson and Tommy Thompson

Senator Ron Johnson encourages Wisconsinites to make the right choice and elect Tommy Thompson to be our next senator.
America is in trouble. As a nation, we are facing a $16 trillion debt while more than 23 million Americans are struggling with the reality of being unemployed or underemployed. The failed tax-and-spend policies of liberals like Tammy Baldwin have pushed our country to the fiscal brink.

With Election Day right around the corner, you have an opportunity to send a tried and true leader to Washington, D.C. I know Tommy Thompson, and I know that he will fight to reverse the failed economic policies of President Obama and Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin. I am confident that he is committed to implementing pro-growth policies that will create jobs and pay down our nation’s mountain of debt.

Can you send a contribution of $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford to help Tommy in these final days ensuring a strong finish to put him over the top?

Trust me; too much is at stake to not send Tommy Thompson to the United States Senate. His opponent, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, has led our nation down a path of debt, doubt and decline.

During Baldwin’s 14 years in Congress, she has buried our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt by voting to raise the debt ceiling seven times. Under her watch, $10 trillion has been added to our nation’s debt and 6.6 million Americans have lost their jobs. Through her failed economic agenda, Baldwin has unequivocally proven that she is too extreme for Wisconsin and too dangerous for our nation’s economy.

With 7 days to go until Election Day, I urge you to spread Tommy Thompson’s message of fiscal responsibility and economic growth to everyone you know. Please tell your friends, family and neighbors to get to the polls and vote for Tommy Thompson on November 6.

Every dollar helps get Tommy's message out and every minute you volunteer helps get our voters to the polls.

We cannot afford Madison liberal Tammy Baldwin in the United States Senate.


Ron Johnson
United States Senator
The country cannot afford to have an extremist like Tammy Baldwin in the U.S. Senate.

We here in Wisconsin can't do that to our fellow Americans.

Vote Tommy Thompson.