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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Obama's Epiphany: Losing in Denver

Reince Priebus nails what Obama projected to the nation on Wednesday night.

From the opening moments of the debate, Obama seemed nervous, as though he dreaded what was about to happen. I guess it was scary for him to realize that he was going to be exposed.

Next to Mitt Romney, Obama looked so tired and worn. Obama seemed deflated. As the debate wore on, it became evident that Obama was losing to Romney, because Obama has been an ineffective president.

Although Jim Lehrer, debate moderator, tried to assist the struggling Obama, this was really the first time Obama was challenged. He was called on his record as president. He was incapable of defending himself and he had no army of protectors to shield him.

The liberal media and his Democrat allies have propped up Obama for years. They've covered for him. He's never been held accountable for his failures in a tough, face to face encounter.

Mitt Romney was in control. He was confident. He knows he's capable of helping the country move in a better direction. He has experience. He can get things done. He has ideas.

Romney had a terrific command of the facts and he was able to communicate well. Off-the-cuff, he pummeled Obama with the truth. The truth, of course, is Obama's worst enemy.

Romney seemed presidential, whereas Obama looked like a hollow shell. It was amazing to see Obama, the sitting president, appear so small. Romney had all the gravitas.

This debate showed just how sheltered Obama has been.

Obama did an absolutely terrible job of connecting with the audience. He didn't connect at all. Obama spent the evening talking to Jim Lehrer and staring at the top of his podium. Was Obama doodling during most of the debate? Romney, on the other hand, talked to Obama, and looked into the camera, connecting with the viewing audience.

Romney shattered that false image Obama and his team have been shoving down the throats of Americans, that Romney is an incompetent, selfish, stiff, rich, white guy, out of touch with the people.

The ninety minutes of the debate seemed physically painful for Obama.

It was as if the weight of his failed presidency was too much for him to bear. He seemed frail and uncertain. He looked awkward and clumsy. The cool, brilliant Obama was not on that stage.


Because the cool, brilliant Obama doesn't exist.