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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Richard Hayes: Mitt Romney's Garbage Man

This political ad is entertaining.

It has an Onion quality about it.

It's from AFSCME.

Richard is a City of San Diego sanitation worker whose route includes Mitt Romney's $12 million oceanfront villa in La Jolla, Calif. This is his story.

Hayes makes it sound like Romney generates 16 tons of trash for him to collect. Romney refuses to give him water or Gatorade when he's thirsty. Romney is responsible for his body breaking down because of the hard labor. Romney doesn't care about him. He's a MEAN, rich guy.

How can you not laugh at this? It's ridiculous.

Hayes picks up Romney's trash. Why? IT'S HIS JOB. Hayes is getting paid to do the work. He's not a slave being abused by Romney.

I've never hugged my garbage man. I've never said he's doing a good job or told him to keep up the good work. Does that make me a bad person?

It's so silly. Romney isn't fit to be president because he doesn't run out and hug his garbage man?

Wouldn't it be funny if everyone's garbage man put up a similar video on YouTube?

They could all air their grievances about the ungrateful public they ARE PAID to serve.

I don't think Romney's disgruntled garbage man is an effective campaign ad.

Really stupid, but very funny.

Obviously, this goofy ad is an attempt to fill the void created by Obama's lack of success at leading the country.

Where's the Obama ad that touts his stellar record as president?

That's the problem. He doesn't have one. So, we get an attack ad based on Romney's garbage man.

The pressing question of this pivotal election in our nation's history: Will Romney hug Hayes?


Meet another sanitation worker who picked up the trash on Romney's street - Joan Raymond. Like Hayes, she's ticked off, though she says, "I like trash. I like garbage."

Her problem isn't garbage. It's Mitt Romney. She blames him for cutting the jobs of middle class workers. She calls him a hypocrite.

Very strange.