Voiland is challenging incumbent Judge Tom Wolfgram.
Troubling revelations about Wolfgram's judgment have made this race very important.
Here's a message from Alberta Darling:
There are things that are worth remembering like anniversaries, holidays, and when to pay your taxes. Then there are things that you’d like to forget. For example, the long-abandoned New Year’s resolutions and the cost of gas just last year.
Here in Ozaukee County, there’s one more thing we’d all like to forget - the unjustified recall efforts against Governor Scott Walker and Senator Alberta Darling.
Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Tom Wolfgram has a really good reason he hopes you’ll forget the recall: he signed the recall petition against our Governor Walker and now wants to be reelected on April 2nd.

But it’s too soon to forget a misguided effort that cost taxpayers at least $14 million, especially when a sitting judge believed it was a good idea, and when his decisions - now more than ever - may impact our County and our families.That's an impressive list of endorsements.
Joe Voiland is offering you a better choice.
Joe Voiland is challenging Tom Wolfgram because he believes that Tom Wolfgram crossed the line between law and politics. Judge Wolfgram claims that signing the recall petition “wasn’t a political comment”. And according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Judge Wolfgram claimed, "I did not fully understand the proposals” and he needed more time to study them. Did a sitting judge really not understand what a recall petition is for? Or did he not understand what Act 10 did? Or did he not understand the lawsuit reforms, and other proposals that the Governor and the Legislature put into place? Most people in the county don’t know that Judge Wolfgram took part in the recall, as the media largely ignored his participation.
Joe Voiland is a military veteran who served in Operation Southern Watch-Iraq, a well-respected attorney and former special prosecutor, a father of three, and a strong member of our community. He’s ready to serve Ozaukee County as your next Circuit Court Judge. That’s why he’s earned my endorsement, as well as the endorsement of Assemblymen Jim Ott, Dan Knodl, and Duey Stroebel. We hope he’ll earn your support as well.
As Sen. Darling writes, "Let's elect Joe Voiland to ensure the line between the judiciary and legislative branches is a solid one."
Wolfgram needs to be held accountable for his actions.
His explanations for signing the recall petition are ridiculous.
I'd have more respect for Wolfgram if he would just admit he wanted Scott Walker out of office and he believes it's appropriate for a judge to take a public political stand by signing a recall petition.
This all boils down to Wolfgram's judgment. It's poor. He doesn't deserve to be reelected.
I agree with Alberta Darling, Jim Ott, Dan Knodl, and Duey Stroebel. Joe Voiland would make a marvelous judge.
Here are the details on tonight's reception, from Alberta Darling:
I would like to invite you to join me, along with State Representatives Jim Ott, Dan Knodl, and Duey Stroebel to a reception in support of Joe Voiland for Ozaukee County Circuit Court
Monday, March 18
5:30 - 7:30pm
River Club of Mequon
12400 North Ville Du Parc Drive
Mequon, WI 53092
Suggested Donation: $25
Platinum Host: $500
Gold Host: $250
Silver Host: $100
RSVP on Facebook
Or contact Laurie Wolf: