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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Twitter: VP Debate Reaction

David Burge:
Biden didn't know Libya embassy wanted more security. In fairness, he also doesn't know a lot of other stuff.
Greg Gutfeld:
Did Biden get a sponsorship from Polident?
Greg Gutfeld:
Joe laughing about WAR. Well, that's reassuring!
Greg Gutfeld:
Joe's debating like his limo is in a loading zone.
Greg Gutfeld:
No wonder Biden takes Amtrak. No one will share a car with him.
Greg Gutfeld:
I feel like I'm in a one-man off-broadway version of Matlock
Greg Gutfeld:
Joe's adopting Mickey Rourke's voice from Rumblefish.
Greg Gutfeld:
Biden is the drunk at the bar; Martha is the unhappy bartender, and Ryan is the unfortunate salesman caught in the middle.
Andy Levy:
Are Biden's faces playing well with people? Cuz they're starting to creep me out.
Albert Brooks:
Where are the dems buying their flag pins? At a toy store?
Albert Brooks:
I actually like Joe Biden even though when he smiles he reminds me of the guy that sold me my worst car.
Dennis Miller:
Stage hand just offered Biden a toothpick back stage, dropped the box, Biden immediately blurts "246 on the floor and four in the box!"
Stephen Hayes:
Biden blames deficits on two wars. Biden supported both wars.
Ann Coulter:
biden laughing - just thought of a funny Polack joke.
Ann Coulter:
Biden just thought about a Kitty Cat video and giggled.
Ann Coulter:
did Biden seriously just ask for "equal time"?????????????
Wayne Larrivee:
I think Biden got his teeth whitened, that's why he's smiling so much.
Karl Rove:
Biden is out of control and Raddatz appears to have given up trying to rein him in!
Mark Levin:
Biden was off his meds tonight
Chris Rock:
Joe Biden should just reach over and slap Ryan in the face and say 'Don't forget, Osama Bin Laden is Dead, General Motors is alive' #debate
Barack Obama:
Tonight proved once again that you won't find a better and more tireless advocate for the middle class than @JoeBiden. -bo #TeamJoe
Really, Barack?

You approve of Biden's utterly disrespectful and often dishonest performance?
