Bloomberg described his edict, approved by the New York City Board of Health, as "portion control."
Unbelievably lame.
From CNSNews:
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the large soda ban set to go into effect this month at city restaurants, street vendors and movie theaters is how government tells the public what’s in their best interest.It's positively idiotic to ban the sale of large sodas.
“We're not banning anything. It's called portion control,” Bloomberg said Sunday on CBS’s "Face the Nation." “It's a typical way that companies use to and governments use to explain to people what's in their interest and what isn't.”
It is a ban if businesses are prohibited from selling a large size sugary drink.
It's not "portion control." Anyone can buy several smaller sizes.
...New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling on Monday stopped the Bloomberg administration from carrying out the ban.Good judgment.
Something that Bloomberg lacks.