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Friday, March 1, 2013

DEM Spokesman Zielinski, Scott Walker, Jeffrey Dahmer: Leftists React

You know there is no way Dan Bice would have addressed the outrageous remarks from the spokesman for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Graeme Zielinski, comparing Gov. Scott Walker to Jeffrey Dahmer, if they had not been brought to the forefront of the conversation on the Internet and talk radio.

The fact that Bice dealt with this subject as relatively quickly as he did, giving high profile Democrats like Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett an opportunity to distance themselves from Zielinski's derangement, proves how much influence talk radio, websites like Right Wisconsin, and social media have in directing the discussion.

From Dan Bice, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

A number of Democrats were upset to find out that Milwaukee County prosecutors have closed their secret investigation of Gov. Scott Walker's aides and associates.

But no one has been as worked up - or over-the-top - as Democratic Party spokesman Graeme Zielinski.

Zielinski has sent out three tweets drawing outrageous comparisons and contrasts between the first-term Republican governor and Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee serial killer who who saved and ate his victims' body parts.

The tweets brought strong criticism from Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who has twice lost to Walker in gubernatorial contests.

"The mayor said, 'Way over the top and very inappropriate,'" said Patrick Curley, chief of staff to Barrett.
It seems Bice sought comment from Barrett. It doesn't appear that Barrett put out a statement condemning Zielinski.

I wonder if Bice asked Curley if Barrett would apologize to Gov. Walker for his "John Doe" strategy and all the false accusations he made in the recall election.

I wonder if Bice will apologize for being the eager tool of the leakers at District Attorney John Chisholm's office.

Actually, I don't wonder about that. Of course, there will be no apologies for the disgraceful behavior exhibited by those bent on destroying Walker.

...Zielinski wasn't immediately available for comment. He had about a dozen other tweets on Walker that didn't link the governor to Dahmer.

Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate apologized for his aide's remarks.

"Graeme's tweet is inappropriate, over zealous and insensitive," Tate said via email. "He should have chosen a different comparison point in pointing out Gov. Walker has had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid criminal charges. He and I regret his comment."
Again, I doubt Tate took the initiative in commenting on Zielinski's ugliness. Tate himself has made plenty of inappropriate and over zealous comments about Scott Walker.

I think Bice is trying to assist the Leftists by making them appear decent, calling out the crazed Zielinski.

Retired Appeals Court Judge Neal Nettesheim signed an order closing the secret John Doe investigation of Walker's former aides. The investigation led to criminal convictions of six individuals, including three ex-Walker aides, a Walker appointee and a major campaign donor.
It must be tough for Bice and the other Leftists.

God knows the hacks in Chisholm's office tried to get Walker. They were fishing for YEARS, but they failed.

It's over now.

Bice has an update:

UPDATE: Conservative talk show host Mark Belling, currently in Hawaii, expressed outrage at Zielinski's tweets.

"And they accuse my side of hate speech???" he asked. "What's the difference between Graeme Zielinski and Jeffrey Dahmer? Only one was found to be insane."

In 1991, a jury found Dahmer was not mentally ill.
Very funny that Bice updates his online article with Mark Belling's remarks.

Is that supposed to illustrate that a conservative said something not so nice about Zielinski, insinuating Zielinski is insane?

Is Bice trying to achieve balance? Both those on the Right and the Left say inappropriate things?

That fails, too.

Zielinski is the SPOKESMAN FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF WISCONSIN. His comments and his demeanor are a reflection of Wisconsin Democrats. Belling speaks for himself.

I don't think Zielinski is insane. I hold him responsible for his words and actions.

I hope Wisconsin voters are paying attention.
