From ESPN:
Former New England Patriots linebacker Ted Johnson apologized Friday after saying on a radio show that defensive lineman Vince Wilfork had the ugliest spouse of any of his former teammates.What a horrible thing to say!
Johnson, now a radio analyst in Houston, made the initial comment Friday morning on Houston sports radio station KILT. During a lighter segment on the show, Johnson was asked by a caller which of the guys he played with had the ugliest spouse.
"I got it. Yeah, I got it. This is a big, big man," Johnson said. "This guy had his way with the Texans this year. ... He won't hear this -- Vince Wilfork."
Furthermore, it was incredibly stupid. "He won't hear this."
How could he think that the cruel statement he made on the radio wouldn't get back to Vince Wilfork?
...Wilfork responded angrily on Twitter on Friday morning, writing an apology to fans in advance to how he would react to the news.The ugly person in this matter is Ted Johnson. A 40-year-old man should know better than to say something so hurtful.
"I do not play when it comes to my family," he wrote.
Shortly after that, he tweeted, in part: "It is f----- up when a x-teammate that I looked up to and enjoyed playing with takes shots at my family. She is my everything. I don't care when this was said no one should cross that line."
Wilfork also wrote that he has "a great family life" and was "blessed to have them."
Johnson, who played with the Patriots from 1995-2004, tweeted this apology in several parts Friday afternoon:
"I just made a huge error in judgment and want to apologize to Vince and his wife for comments I made earlier today on a Houston radio show.
"Vince and his family are outstanding people who I have admired since they arrived in NE. I learned a big lesson today and feel terrible.
"I have personally apologized to the family and feel awful. It was a huge error in judgment and I'm sorry for upsetting Vince's family."
Bianca later tweeted a thank-you to her followers for their words of support and added, "I love me and I love that my husband loves me."
Apologizing was the right thing to do, but a good person would have never responded to such an inappropriate question and actually identified "the ugliest wife in the NFL."
It was a terrible question and unbelievable that Johnson gave an answer.
A history of concussions is no excuse. If Johnson's brain is truly messed up, he doesn't belong on the radio.
Also, it's a huge mistake for anyone to believe it's possible, in the age of the Internet, to say something about someone on the radio without that person finding out.