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Friday, March 15, 2013

Mark Levin to Obama: 'You Lied!'

It's refreshing to hear the truth.

It's something we don't hear from Obama. We get lie after lie after lie from him.

MARK LEVIN: Mr. President, you said you would not raise taxes on the middle class. You increased those payroll taxes. Why do you keep lying to the American people? You said you wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class. We've got all kinds of taxes on medical devices, on insurance plans that are passed on to the people. We've got all kinds of taxes, and not only that. Businesses are going to reduce employment 40 hours a week, 30 hours a week, to 29 hours a week. You've done this. You've done this to the middle class. Why do you keep lying about it?


Mr. President, you said if we wanted to keep our insurance policies, we could. You lied! You said [our insurance premiums] wouldn't increase. They are. You lied! You said ObamaCare would reduce the deficit. It's sky-rocketing the deficit. You lied! When are you going to tell the American people the truth? That's my question.
It's a great question.

Here's video: