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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I think Hillary Clinton should resign.

I think Mitt Romney should be elected to replace Obama.

Obama and Clinton lied about a terrorist attack on the United States. They lied about the deaths of four Americans. They blamed a video.

They lied to the American people for weeks.

The State Department now admits there was no protest about the video that led to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. There was no protest at all!

Josh Rogin writes:

Prior to the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi late in the evening on Sept. 11, there was no protest outside the compound, a senior State Department official confirmed today, contradicting initial administration statements suggesting that the attack was an opportunistic reaction to unrest caused by an anti-Islam video.

In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, two senior State Department officials gave a detailed accounting of the events that lead to the death of Amb. Chris Stevens and three other Americans. The officials said that prior to the massive attack on the Benghazi compound by dozens of militants carrying heavy weaponry, there was no unrest outside the walls of the compound and no protest that anyone inside the compound was aware of.

In fact, Stevens hosted a series of meetings on the compound throughout the day, ending with a meeting with a Turkish diplomat that began at 7:30 in the evening, and all was quiet in the area.
For weeks after the 9/11/12 attack, the White House and the liberal media focused on Mitt Romney's statement criticizing the Obama administration's reaction to unrest. They vilified Romney instead of giving the American public the truth, that this was an orchestrated terrorist attack.

The cover-up sickens me. They allowed the life of a filmmaker to be put at risk rather than take responsibility for their own failures.

Note to the liberal media: STOP TALKING ABOUT BIG BIRD. Report on Obama's lies about Benghazi.