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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tom Logan and Obama's Letter

Tom Logan lost his 22-year-old son, USMC Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, in Afghanistan.

It's the worst news a parent can receive, that one's child is dead.

My heart breaks for the Logan family and all the others experiencing the same pain.

Obama often refers to the heart-wrenching process of writing letters of condolence to the families of the fallen.

Turns out, those letters, at least some of them, are FORM LETTERS.

Gateway Pundit confirms: "Obama Sent Same Form Letter to Parents of All Fallen Soldiers, Marines, SEALs."

Apparently, the compassionate Obama, always campaigning and fundraising and golfing, just doesn't have time to write a personal letter to the grieving families.

Here's Tom Logan's story, from KRPC, Houston:

A man who lost a son to the war in Afghanistan is disappointed in the condolence letter he received from President Barack Obama.

Tom Logan, a Willis resident, calls the note late, impersonal, disrespectful and essentially a form letter.

"It opened up a wound in our heart you can't fix. You can't send another letter. You can't make it right," Logan said.

Logan's son, USMC Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, was killed Jan. 19, 2012, along with five other men when the helicopter they were in crashed.

Joey Logan was 22.

"He would have been more mad about this than I am," Tom Logan said.

Tom Logan said he believes Obama did little more than sign his name to the document. He believes his son deserved more.

Local 2 Investigates examined two other letters sent by Obama to families of soldiers killed in action. The one-page typed condolence letters were identical other than names, ranks and service branches.

...[University of Houston Professor and Historian Nancy Beck] Young examined the letter written to Tom Logan, which arrived by UPS truck four months after his son's death.

"I would agree, this is a personal sacrifice and an impersonal condolence," Young said.

Young said that it appears Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, wrote more personal, individualized, sometimes hand-written notes to the families of soldiers.
Watch video of Tom Logan discussing his experience.

Why would it take four months for Joey Logan's parents to receive a letter from the White House?


After that inexcusable wait, the letter is nothing but an impersonal condolence.

This truly is a disgrace, but it's what I would expect of the cold, selfish, detached Obama.

Obviously, condolences to our military families aren't high on Obama's priority list.

As Mark Levin noted, Obama personally called Sandra Fluke. He was concerned about her. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Obama should be ashamed. I don't want to hear him talk about the difficult task of writing to the families of our war dead ever again.

These precious lives were lost fighting for our country. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Their families deserve so much more than a form letter.