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Saturday, October 6, 2012

SNL: Debate Jokes

From Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update":
SETH MEYERS: Well, you have to hand it to Mitt Romney, because President Obama sure did.

Many political experts were surprised that during Wednesday's debate, President Obama failed to mention Mitt Romney's infamous "47%" comment. Obama elected to take the high road, forgetting that that road leads to building houses with Jimmy Carter.

During Wednesday's debate, Mitt Romney said that even though he likes Big Bird, if elected, he would stop the subsidy to PBS. It's a surprising threat considering that 'Mitt' is such an excellent Muppet name.

Romney went on to say that if elected he would no longer borrow money from China to pay for PBS. China funds PBS? I guess that explains why this week's Sesame Street was brought to you by the letter this:

According to Nielsen numbers, more than 70 million people watched Wednesday's debate either on TV, online, or from one of the podiums.

The general consensus from Wednesday's debate was that Mitt Romney was the winner of and Barack Obama was the loser, but there were other winners and losers that night...

The biggest winner: America. Is there anything more exciting than Joe Biden thinking it's up to him to get the lead back?
See, Seth?

You can do jokes about Obama.