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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ed Flynn Interview (Video)

TMJ4's Carole Meekins interviewed Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn.

They discussed the strip search scandal and the Derek Williams case. They discuss the demand for Flynn's resignation by some in Milwaukee's African American community.

Here's raw video:

Flynn relays compassion and understanding. He does not come off as an arrogant, uncaring man. He explains his actions and he takes responsibility for them.

I don't get why Flynn is being targeted by some in the community and by outlets like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. It's such a weird campaign of personal destruction. It's misdirected. It's unfair.

It ticks me off that Tom Barrett, cowering mayor of Milwaukee, is letting Flynn take so much heat without offering more support.

Barrett is taking cover rather than being a leader.

It would be a great loss for the steadily decaying city of Milwaukee if Flynn were to leave.

I hate to think of how bad things would be without his leadership.

Certainly, there are cases of misconduct and abuse by police officers. Some are horrific. Some are criminal. Justice must be done in those cases. But, it's wrong to condemn the entire department and the Chief because of the actions of a few.

What really poses a threat to people living in Milwaukee?

It's not the police department. Flynn doesn't pose a danger to any community in the city. The economic conditions in Milwaukee, unemployment through the roof and the ensuing poverty, are much more threatening to the overall quality of life for all.

Failing schools are a far greater menace than anything done or not done by the MPD.

It makes more sense to me to demand jobs rather than Flynn's resignation.

Options other than a life of dependency on government or a life of crime are needed. All the energy being put into this witch hunt could be channeled into constructive efforts to better the community.

Maybe that's why the media are obsessing on Flynn now. It deflects attention away from the economic misery in Obama's America, specifically Milwaukee.

The Leftists don't want to talk about the real problems before the election.

Ed Flynn is the local version of Big Bird.