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Monday, October 29, 2012

Benghazi: Media Blackout

Obama's media mouthpieces are on the same page, ignoring Benghazi.

From Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart's Big Journalism:
The mainstream media's silence on the Benghazi disaster reached deafening levels on Sunday, as hosts of four out of the five major news shows--with the exception of Fox News Sunday--failed to raise the issue. Only Bob Schieffer of CBS gave it serious consideration, and only after it was raised by Sen. John McCain.

When the Benghazi issue did surface, other than on Fox, it was invariably brought up by Republican guests, and then deflected by the hosts, who largely ignored new stories this week that implicated the White House in the decision not to intervene to save the life of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and other American staff.
It is clear that Obama's media allies are doing his bidding, shirking professionalism and journalistic responsibility in the process.

Protecting Obama is more important to them than doing their jobs as members of the press.

They aren't journalists. They're serving as political operatives for Obama.