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Monday, October 22, 2012

Debate Reaction: Twitter

John Nolte:
When Obama watches Romney, he looks like he's at Subway watching someone make his sandwich.
John Nolte:
Obama wants to fight like challenger; Romney is projecting a vision -- showing voters he's ready to be presdient. VERY smart strategy.
John Nolte:
Obama getting his lunch eaten by Romney now.
John Nolte:
Romney passed Commander in Chief test. Romney also won domestic issues and closed EXTREMELY strong.
S.E. Cupp:
Obama: "America is stronger now than when I came into office." Amazing.
Albert Brooks:
Obama does not have a good expression. He looks like "Hey, that's a pretty good idea."
Albert Brooks:
The 7 undecided voters walked out after ten minutes.
Stephen Hayes:
Obama is trying to debate George W. Bush. #predictable #toughsell
Stephen Hayes:
Seems to me President Obama's condescension has crossed the line from aggressive to disrespectful. Will voters like him mocking Romney?
Greg Gutfeld:
Bob Schieffer would be a great help in your local hardware store.
Greg Gutfeld:
Thank God I'm drinking, or I would have to start drinking.
Dane Cook:
Okay… so far I agree with Obama's handshake. Found Romney’s to not be firm enough.
Caroline May:
Apparently Obama gets more sarcastic at sea level #debates #algore
Christian Schneider:
What a petulant, insulting answer on military funding by Obama. "You may have heard of aircraft carriers?" Does he write for HuffPo?
M.T. Hlad:
Marines still use bayonets #Debate2012@CBSNews @CNN
Ann Coulter:
Obama: I didn't apologize to foreign leaders. I rolled on my back like Fido.
Ann Coulter:
Ask Israel if "Iran is at it's weakest point" now, as O humorously alleges.
Ann Coulter:
pathetic answer. O visited Israel as a candidate. Yeah, he wanted the Jewish vote. hasn't been back since.
Ann Coulter:
O just struggled not to call some hick American with a movie trailer or a koran-burning the greatest threat to the nation.
Ann Coulter:
Boy, is Obama desperate! He's seen the real polls.
Eric Stangel:
Obama isn't Kenyan, he's Israeli!!!!! #debates
Chuck Todd:
POTUS is consistently trying to draw Romney into a more contentious debate. It's what challengers do who think they are behind.
Major Garrett:
Romney not rising to biting POTUS criticism; trying to parry & emphasize "peace through strength" credo. POTUS dismissive. #LynnDebate
Mark Simone:
Notice that Scheiffer is doing very little follow up? That's because even he's not listening to this boring debate.
Wayne Dupree:
Seems like Obama is learning something everytime Romney speaks #tcot #debates #Election2012 #RomneyRyan2012 #CantAfford4More

My favorite:

Ann Coulter:
Did Obama just say he's voting for Romney?