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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Center for Reproductive Rights and Celebrities: Pro-Abortion Video

Celebrity Leftists, Obama supporters, are obsessed with abortion.

Of course, Obama doesn't want the election to be about his record as president. The economy is mess. There is rampant poverty, unemployment, underemployment, and the overall accompanying misery.

Obama's record on the world stage is just as bad. He's up to his neck in a cover-up involving the 9/11/12 terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi.

Because Obama can't tout the tremendous progress he's made these past four years, because he has screwed up the country so royally, he calls on his Leftist allies to help him hype his War on Women. They, of course, are happy to oblige.

From NewsBusters:

Tina Fey isn't the only actor helping the Center for Reproductive Rights raise money and "consciousness" about how women need quick (and occasionally subsidized) abortions. For their "Draw the Line" campaign against the pro-life movement in America and around the world, a whole roster of stars (and semi-stars) filmed a pro-abortion video.

That left-wing cast included Meryl Streep, Amy Poehler, Sarah Silverman, Sandra Bernhard, Kevin Bacon and his wife Kyra Sedgwick, Lisa Kudrow, Tea Leoni, Audra McDonald, Martha Plimpton, Oliver Platt, Ally Sheedy, and Billy Crudup.

...The Center for Reproductive Rights blurs countries and causes, so where one woman in Kenya can't take her baby home because she's in debt for the delivery, this is compared to America being hostile to very late-term abortions in the former George Tiller clinic in Kansas. The celebrities really get going in this late manifesto portion:

I am pro-woman.

I am pro-family.

I am pro-choice.

I am pro-freedom.

I am pro-keeping the politicians the hell out of my business.

I am pro-dignity.

I am pro-equality.

I am pro-rights.

Women’s rights.

Reproductive rights.

Human rights.

The Center's staffers were quite clear they wanted to "keep religion out of the debate about reproductive rights" and "keep politicians out of our doctor’s offices and out of our private lives." But they also expect the taxpayer to pay for the abortions and the contraceptives and the sterilizations -- and butt out while they foot the bill.
Here's video:

It appears these abortion crusaders, bent on convincing women in America to vote for Obama, think quite highly of themselves. They are using their celebrity (or celebrity-ish) status to promote the "right" to kill one's baby before birth.

They are oh so committed to the cause. What brave women, standing up for requiring taxpayers to fund something they may find morally reprehensible!

The notion that they are "pro-choice" is a joke.

They're "pro-choice" only if the definition of "choice" includes killing human life.

All these pro-abortion fanatics are likely also pro-ObamaCare.

If they want to keep "the politicians the hell out of [their] business," why would they want ALL health care to be the government's business?

That's not "pro-freedom."

Government-run health care is the antithesis of "pro-woman" and "pro-family" and "pro-dignity."

Note to these self-righteous celebrities: There's nothing noble or compassionate about supporting the slaughter of the weak, the vulnerable, and the unborn.


Read this: "FLASHBACK: Obama broke with colleagues, voted present on protecting rape victims in '99 state Senate vote."
In a 1999 legislative vote, then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama was the sole state senator to not vote for for a bill that would protect sexual assault victims from having the details of their cases revealed publicly.

On May 11 of that year, Obama voted “present” on a bill, ultimately made law, that allows victims of sex crimes to request that their cases be sealed from public view following a criminal conviction. Illinois Senate voting records show that Obama was the only senator who did not vote in favor of the bill.

Obama’s unique objection to voting for a bill meant to protect victims of sex crimes is a substantial departure from the picture he has attempted to paint for women voters.