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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

PPP, Conservative Media, Obama, and Whites

The Leftists are obsessed with race. It seems to permeate their view of everything, at least when it's convenient.

Without question, they equate conservatism with racism.

It drives me nuts. It's completely unjustifiable, but they don't care. It's much easier to charge one with racism than to debate one on issues.

Media Trackers exposes that a recent poll by Public Policy Polling, a Left-leaning operation, asked Wisconsinites if they thought conservative media figures want to make whites think Obama hates them.

It's a shockingly inappropriate question.

Brian Sikma writes:

According to an exclusive report by the Washington Post, PPP engaged in race baiting in its last Wisconsin poll in early October.

Jennifer Rubin of the Post’s Right Turn blog last week drew attention to an odd question asked by PPP of Wisconsin residents. “Do you think conservative media figures want to make white people think Barack Obama hates them, or not?” the incredible question read.

Rubin quotes a Madison resident who was uncomfortable with how the question was asked. Questions just prior to the one apparently pitting white people against Barack Obama asked respondents about their favorable or unfavorable views of Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, both conservative media figures, as well as the Daily Caller and Drudge Report, generally right-leaning national online news sources.

Respected pollsters on both sides of the ideological divide condemned the racial tones of the PPP question as poor polling methodology.
The Leftists simply cannot deal with conservative media figures.

Something about them makes them flip out.

I think the Leftists lack tolerance for conservatives because they are incapable of believing that their positions aren't accepted by all. They can't bear the fact that their ideas aren't shared across the board. They can't fathom the possibility that they are wrong.

They resort to the typical tactics of Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals.

One such rule:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
Conservative media figures are easy for the Leftists to identify. They can easily make them the personification of evil, in this case being the disseminators of racist propaganda.

Imagine being asked, "Do you think conservative media figures want to make white people think Barack Obama hates them, or not?"

It's really sick.

PPP should have asked, "Do you think conservative media figures wear KKK hoods and robes?"

Clearly, PPP is not a respectable polling organization.