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Monday, October 15, 2012

Tommy Thompson's Son: Obama and Kenya

This is NATIONAL news?

The liberal media are pathetic. They pounced on this one.

From the Associated Press:

Republican Senate candidate Tommy Thompson’s campaign says his son has apologized for suggesting that voters should send President Barack Obama back to Kenya.

Jason Thompson, the son of the former Wisconsin governor, was caught on camera during a Sunday brunch hosted by the Kenosha County Republican Party.

“We have the opportunity to send President Obama back to Chicago — or Kenya,” said Jason Thompson, an attorney at a large Milwaukee law firm. The comment drew laughs from the crowd, with one woman joking, “We are taking donations for that Kenya trip.”
I can understand why the Thompson campaign would apologize for Jason Thompson's statement. That takes the issue off the table, at least it should.

However, I don't see why the joke is an issue at all.

We are trying to get Obama out of the White House. He's been a disaster. We're suffering economically because of him. Obama is a liar and incompetent when it comes to foreign policy.

Yes, we do want to send him back to Chicago or Kenya or Hawaii or anywhere other than the Oval Office. For the sake of our families and our country and the world, we want Obama to be defeated by Mitt Romney in November. No kidding.

What's the big deal? Is it that Obama didn't grow up in Kenya, but grew up in Indonesia? Obama's father is Kenyan and he has many siblings and relatives there, right? It's not like sending Obama back to Kenya is such a weird thing to say.

Jason Thompson made a joke. So?

The Leftists, and Obama himself, love to remind certain audiences that Obama is a global citizen. The world, especially the Islamic world, was supposed to embrace him because of his background. Remember that? His multicultural background was supposed to make him qualified to be president.

I don't think there's anything really inappropriate with what Jason Thompson said.

Do you think a liberal would apologize for saying Mitt Romney should be sent to the Cayman Islands? (And many have said that.)

Of course not.

Whatever you think of Jason Thompson's joke, what he says doesn't matter. What matters is the choice we have to make when it comes to electing a senator - extremist, liberal Tammy Baldwin or former Governor Tommy Thompson.

No contest.

Tommy is the guy.