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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tammy Baldwin - Extreme

Tammy Baldwin is an extremist. She is out there on the fringe Left.

Most Americans oppose ObamaCare and want it repealed.

Baldwin believes the job-killing, massive tax that limits your health care choices and its quality didn't go far enough.

From Media Trackers:
Rep. Baldwin voted in favor of Obamacare but argued that the new law did not go far enough. On July 31, 2009, Rep. Baldwin spoke on behalf of a single payer healthcare system before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Obamacare did not go so far as to create a single payer system of healthcare, but Rep. Baldwin with no eye towards any notion of a limited roll of government said that a “single payer health system is the best way to comprehensively and fairly reform our healthcare system.” Rep. Baldwin went on to say that she is one of the many who believe “healthcare is a right for all.”
In my opinion, Baldwin's position on government-run healthcare is reason enough to vote against her.

Do you want the authoritarian IPAB making health care decisions that will impact you and your family?

Baldwin's saturation ad campaign is pushing the absurdity, "Tommy Thompson - He's not right for you anymore."


Baldwin is not right for Wisconsinites. Her views do not reflect ours.