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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Colin Powell Endorses Obama (Video)

No surprise, Colin Powell, alleged Republican or one-time Republican or whatever, has declared he's voting for Obama once again.

If the Obama campaign thinks this will be a significant boost, that's a major miscalculation.

Powell is voting for Obama. WHO CARES?

If it made a difference in 2008, it certainly won't make a difference in 2012.

Frankly, I would have been surprised if he announced his endorsement of Mitt Romney.

Powell showed in 2008 that he has no strong conservative principles. Tell me something I don't know.

Here's video of Powell talking to Charlie Rose on CBS This Morning, Thursday:

Good grief. Not too bright.

From The Right Scoop, listen to Mark Levin rip Powell for his endorsement of the extremely liberal Obama, the imperial president, the terrible, ineffective president.

Levin shreds Powell, and Obama.

Anyone impressed and swayed by Powell's endorsement must listen to Levin's assessment.

If you have an ounce of reason, you'll vote for Mitt Romney.

Hope and change 2012. Romney and Ryan 2012.