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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lawsuits: Obama's Attack on Religious Liberty

In Thursday's vice presidential debate, Joe Biden lied, insisting the Obama administration has not spit on the Bill of Rights and stripped American Catholics of their religious liberty.

From The Foundry, Heritage Foundation:

[O]ver 100 individuals and organizations have been forced to file 33 lawsuits against the Obama Administration to demand respect of their religious liberty. The choice before these employers is untenable: either violate their conscience or refuse to comply with the anti-conscience mandate and face burdensome fines.

These individuals, organizations, and businesses contribute mightily to civil society by providing education, health care, and countless social services. Heritage has profiled a few of the many victims of Obamacare’s coercive disregard for religious freedom. From charities faced with hefty fines for practicing what they preach to business owners told that their religious freedom stops at the door to colleges forced to end student health plans because of Obamacare’s costly provisions and threat to conscience, the health care law jeopardizes the work of countless institutions.

Sadly, last night wasn’t the first time Biden has distorted the facts on the mandate’s serious assault on religious freedom. Contrary to what the Obama Administration would have Americans believe, there is no so-called “accommodation” for religious employers not covered by the mandate’s narrow religious exemption. The Administration’s press conference promises and bureaucratic announcements of a supposed “accommodation” neither changed the coercive mandate currently in effect nor provided any workable or adequate solutions to the mandate’s trampling on religious liberty. They are nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the mandate’s unconstitutional assault on a basic freedom.

Policymakers and national leaders should understand the primacy of religious freedom in the American constitutional order and work to protect that freedom, not undermine it. A first step towards the greater protection of religious freedom is rescinding the anti-conscience mandate and repealing Obamacare with all of its liberty-crushing provisions.
Just as Obama and Biden continue to lie about the Benghazi terrorist attack, they are lying about the HHS mandate.

They are lying.

Obama and Biden and their Democrat allies are lying. Do not believe their denials regarding their assault on religious liberty.

They are lying.